Changed around line 1
+ idParser
+ extends abstractIdParser
+ nameParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Official name of the organization
+ locationParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Primary location/headquarters of the organization
+ foundedParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description Year the organization was established
+ researchFocusParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description Primary area of mitochondrial research focus
+ teamSizeParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description Approximate number of researchers and staff
+ websiteParser
+ extends abstractUrlMeasureParser
+ name Centre for Mitochondrial Research at UCL
+ location London, UK
+ founded 2014
+ researchFocus Mitochondrial Disease Diagnosis
+ teamSize 45
+ website
+ id mito2i
+ name MITO2i
+ location Toronto, CA
+ // description MITO2i is a collaborative hub that engages all stakeholders in advancing science in the field of mitochondrial medicine & research. Our goal is to transform the understanding of mitochondrial health and disease, leading to better diagnoses and treatments that enhance quality of human life; ultimately transforming healthcare by integrating mitochondrial health into routine care.
+ website
+ id mitoworld
+ name MitoWorld
+ website
+ id MitoNET
+ website
+ name German Network for Mitochondrial Diseases
+ founded 2009
+ researchFocus Clinical Research Network
+ teamSize 120
+ id UMDF
+ name United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
+ website
+ location Pittsburgh, USA
+ founded 1996
+ researchFocus Patient Support and Research Funding
+ teamSize 30
+ id MRC-MBU
+ name MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit
+ website
+ location Cambridge, UK
+ founded 1951
+ researchFocus Fundamental Mitochondrial Biology
+ teamSize 150
+ id AMDF
+ name Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
+ website
+ location Sydney, Australia
+ founded 2009
+ researchFocus Patient Support and Research
+ teamSize 25